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Dr. Paul Casillas, M.D., Addiction psychiatrist - Tijuana, Mexico

P.º Ensenada 1317-6, Playas, Jardines Playas de Tijuana, 22505 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico Tijuana Baja California Tijuana, Mexico
Especialidad: Addiction psychiatrist,
Área de enfoque: Dr Paul Casillas MD | Tijuana | México | Experimente el Centro de Tratamiento con Ibogaína

About - Dr. Paul Casillas, M.D.

Dr. Pablo Casillas

Dr. Paul Casillas - Especialista en Tratamiento con Ibogaína en Tijuana, México

El Dr. Paul Casillas, MD, ha sido un pionero en el campo del tratamiento con ibogaína desde 2007. Con más de una década y media de experiencia dedicada, se destaca como uno de los principales especialistas del mundo, habiendo colaborado con más de cinco clínicas diferentes. Su viaje en este campo comenzó temprano y rápidamente emergió como una luminaria dentro de la comunidad. El compromiso del Dr. Casillas con la seguridad del paciente es inquebrantable, un compromiso que lleva a cabo en cada tratamiento con ibogaína en Experience Ibogaine , donde su presencia garantiza que el bienestar de cada individuo esté protegido durante todo el proceso.

Como médico de urgencias muy respetado en México, el Dr. Casillas ha combinado a la perfección su experiencia en medicina de urgencias con su pasión por el tratamiento con ibogaína. Esta fusión única ha consolidado su estatus como autoridad de confianza, no solo en México sino también a nivel internacional. Sus contribuciones en el campo se extienden mucho más allá de su función en Experience Ibogaine, donde ha recibido elogios por su compasión y atención personalizada.

Un viaje de crecimiento y aprendizaje continuo

La trayectoria del Dr. Casillas en el ámbito del tratamiento con ibogaína ha estado marcada por un crecimiento y un aprendizaje continuos. Ha sido una parte vital de la evolución de la comunidad, trabajando junto a los pioneros en el campo. A través de la experiencia clínica, la participación en investigaciones y la participación en ensayos con ibogaína, ha cultivado una comprensión profunda tanto de los posibles beneficios como de los riesgos asociados con el tratamiento con ibogaína. Este conocimiento integral, combinado con su dedicación a la educación continua, lo mantiene a la vanguardia de los avances, asegurando que Experience Ibogaine ofrezca a sus pacientes nada menos que el más alto nivel de atención.

Desbloqueando la esperanza: el viaje del Dr. Casillas hacia la curación empática y la recuperación de las adicciones

En un campo en el que la experiencia evoluciona continuamente, el Dr. Casillas sigue comprometido con el bienestar de las personas a las que atiende. Su trabajo se extiende más allá de los confines de una práctica médica típica y encarna una misión de transformar vidas a través de una curación innovadora y empática. Su dedicación duradera a la comunidad de tratamiento con ibogaína es un testimonio de su pasión por ayudar a las personas a liberarse de las garras de la adicción.

La trayectoria del Dr. Casillas es un testimonio del poder transformador del tratamiento con ibogaína, un testimonio que comparte con cada paciente que entra por las puertas de Experience Ibogaine. Su espíritu pionero, su amplio conocimiento y su dedicación inquebrantable siguen dando forma al panorama del tratamiento de las adicciones , ofreciendo esperanza y sanación a innumerables personas en su camino hacia la recuperación. Si desea programar su consulta con el Dr. Paul Casillas, MD, haga clic en el botón de contacto a continuación:



Professional Experience:

  • Pioneering Ibogaine Specialist since 2007
  • Collaboration with over five different ibogaine treatment clinics
  • Highly respected emergency medical physician in Mexico
  • Fusion of emergency medicine expertise with ibogaine treatment passion
  • Trusted authority in the field, nationally and internationally
  • Compassionate and personalized patient care at Experience Ibogaine
  • Continuous growth and learning in the ibogaine treatment landscape
  • Participation in research and ibogaine trials
  • Comprehensive understanding of ibogaine treatment benefits and risks
  • Ongoing dedication to education and staying at the forefront of advancements in addiction treatment.


  • Medical Doctor (M.D.) Degree
  • Specialization in Emergency Medicine

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Experience Ibogaine Treatment Center reviews

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    I reached out to Experience Ibogaine under very short notice circumstances, I was contacted by Michael the same day and he was able to answer all the questions I had about Experience Ibogaine. Not long after I booked my flight and was on my way to Sandiego. I was not currently addicted to any drugs but went for maintenance reasons ( I saw myself slipping back into old habits as I am a former opiate addict and alcoholic ). Michael picked me up from the airport and shortly after I arrived, they immediately took blood and hydrated me with an IV to make sure I was healthy enough to partake in the treatment I went there for, later that night DR paul called me down to the medical room to discuss my bloodwork and EKG, they ended up finding Left Ventricular hypertrophy ( this did not affect my ability to participate in ibogaine therapy...... but it may have saved my life as I was not aware of this ! ). I underwent the ibogaine therapy and they took very good care of me, I slept better then I ever have, and ate the best food prepared fresh every meal. The time later came to do the 5 meo treatment and i was apprehensive due to a bad experience with it 5 meo when i was still addicted to opiates ( opiates and psychedelics dont mix ! ) Jonathon administered the 5 meo and I was beond surprised how exceptional of an experience it was, everything in my life suddenly clicked after the 5 meo treatment and I felt a sense of unconditional love and understanding of myself and others. I would just like to thank Aeden and Velria, and there entire team of people committed to helping people. I hope to see you guys again, and keep up the good work as there is no shortage of people in need of this type of treatment

    Google Oct 03 2023
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    After battling with addiction for eight years, I made the decision to go down to Mexico and try Ibogaine . After doing research, I ended up contacting experience Ibogaine to set up an appointment to go down there. From the very first text three months before I went down Michael was very very helpful, encouraging, and accommodating. I went down there in very rough shape, but was taken care of immediately and attended to for the duration of my stay. I can truly say I don’t know that I could’ve asked for anything different. Anyone who says Ibogaine does not work has never experienced the power of Ibogaine . I came out of the Ibogaine treatment serendipitously on my birthday, and it really truly was like a rebirth for me. Between that and the second phase of treatment my life has been completely changed for the better. I am now over a month sober, and have yet to have any desire to go back to opioids, if you are reading this and debating on trying this treatment. Please do not debate any longer. This can, and will save your life it saved mine, and I will be going back down with my wife to visit in a few weeks and thank them again for saving my life! Also the food was amazing and staff were so helpful and encouraging!

    Google Jul 31 2023
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    I recently embarked on a journey of healing and transformation at the Experience Ibogaine facility in Mexico, and words cannot express the depth of my gratitude for the incredible experience I had. The staff at the facility went above and beyond to ensure that I felt safe and supported throughout my stay. Their compassion and understanding were truly remarkable.
    Not only was the care exceptional, but the food was also absolutely delicious, catering to both taste and nourishment. During my time at the facility, a potential health concern came to light. The doctor, being incredibly thorough and thoughtful, discovered an abnormality in my EKG. The owner of the facility personally accompanied me to a wonderful cardiologist to ensure my safety before proceeding with the treatment. Their dedication to my well-being and the lengths they went to alleviate any concerns spoke volumes about their commitment to their patients.
    The ibogaine experience itself was nothing short of life-changing. I awakened after the treatment with a profound sense of calm and peace, a feeling that had eluded me for a long time. The journey was expertly guided by professionals who provided unwavering support throughout the process. They helped me create a personalized integration and aftercare plan, setting the stage for continued growth and transformation.
    I cannot recommend the Ibogaine facility highly enough. This place holds a special spot in my heart, and I will forever be grateful for the love, care, and healing I received there.
    If you re seeking a safe, warm and connected environment to address your trauma, addiction or embark on a personal journey, this facility is a haven of hope and transformation.

    Google Aug 24 2023
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    My life has changed since I’ve worked with Experience a few years back. Opiate addiction is t a one and done and I’ve had to return for additional treatment but I just celebrated two years clean. Ibogaine has a higher success rate than American addiction centers. It’s BS this isn’t available in Mexico and it can be intimidating to cross a border for treatment but you couldn’t meet a more f on passionate group of caregivers at Experience. From the Dr. to the intake team, first class and they will help give you the life you deserve back.

    Google Aug 31 2023
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    I have absolutely nothing but respect for this place. I have been battling opioid addiction for 6 years going to multiple different rehab centers and nothing worked. My parents found this place through a podcast, and showed it to me. I was a little skeptical about it at first but decided to give it a try. And let me tell ya it was best decision I’ve ever made. Ibogaine changed my whole perspective about life and really made me realize what I was doing to myself and my family. It let me forgive all the bag things I’ve done through out my addiction and let me move on in life. I haven’t felt this way in a very long time. Ibogaine is truly a blessing.
    On top of that everyone there was very welcoming, the rooms were very comfortable and clean. Also the food was great. I’m so grateful I found this place I highly recommend ibogaine experience. I can’t thank the people there enough! I will recommend this place to anyone I find that was in the same position as me.

    Google Oct 10 2023
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    Some experiences have the power to stay with you forever and my 5-day treatment here will definitely be one of them. The entire staff and care team here are amazing. They do an exceptional job at ensuring that patients always feel safe when undergoing new experiences. My anxiety and fear going into the unknow were greatly reduced by the comforts and attentiveness extended to me by the staff. The food is delicious, the accommodation is comfortable, amenities are generous, and the location is inspiring. I m two days out of my treatment and the aftercare team have already contacted me, which shows that their commitment to care doesn t end upon check-out. As for my reason for treatment - after Experience Ibogaine I feel I have gained the spiritual motivation I was needing to confidently pursue a healthy lifestyle for myself.

    Google Oct 06 2023

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